Why Java Strings are special

Luigi | Feb 14, 2025 min read

The other day, something struck me:

When you write String a = "hello"; in Java, what exactly is “hello”?

In Java, char is a primitive type, but a string (the quoted text) is not. Instead, Java provides a String object. Yet when you write String a = "hello"; you’re not explicitly using the new keyword and also you are not using any of the primitive types.

So, are we really instantiating a String object, or is something else happening?

Object instantiation in Java

Let’s review how object instantiation typically works. Consider the following example:

class Foo { }
Foo foo = new Foo();

In this case, foo is a reference to a new Foo object allocated in the heap memory. Visually:

However, this is not what happens when you write:

String a1 = "hello";

We can observe two things:

  1. a1 is not created via an explicit object instantiation (there’s no new keyword)
  2. a1 must holds a reference that points to a String object, like in the Foo object case.

So what happens under the hood is that when the program is being compiled, the compiler recognizes "hello" as a string and does the following:

if SCP already has "hello":
	return that
	create "hello" in SCP
	return that

SCP (String Constant Pool) is a special area of the heap used for this purpose.


You can look yourself the HotSpot JVM code here. When parsing a string, the following function is called:

oop StringTable::intern(const StringWrapper& name, TRAPS) {
  unsigned int hash = hash_wrapped_string(name);
  oop found_string = lookup_shared(name, hash);
  if (found_string != nullptr) {
    return found_string;


  return do_intern(name, hash, THREAD);

We can see that

  1. It calculates the key of the lookup table (SCP) i.e the hash of the String
  2. Looks for the String in the lookup table (SCP), if it is present (found_string != nullptr) then it returns that string
  3. If the string is not present in the lookup table (SCP), it creates it using the do_intern method.

The provided SCP algorithm above gives us a way to know what happens if we run this script:

String a1 = "hello";
String a2 = "hello";

That is, both a1 and a2 will holds the same reference.

This is the reason we can test if SCP created strings are the same using the == operator:

String a1 = "hello";
String a2 = "hello";
System.out.pritln(a1 == a2); // True, but in general don't use == to test String equality

Another way to use Java String

In Java you have the option to create String in the heap like every other object:

String a4 = new String("hello");

What happens this time is that the compiler recognizes first there is a string "hello" then it also sees that it is surrounded by an object instantiation, for this reason it will pass the string to the String object constructor. The result is that this will create a String object in the heap, like with Foo object.

You can put the String object in the SCP using the String intern() method.

String a4 = new String("hello");
String a5 = new String("hello").intern();
String a6 = "hello";
System.out.println(a4 == a5); // False
System.out.println(a5 == a6); // True, because a5 is in SCP

Test your understanding

Given the explanation above, you might be able to tell what the output of the following script is going to be:

String a1 = "hello";
String a2 = "hello";
String a3 = "other";
Foo foo = new Foo();
String f4 = new String("hello");

System.out.println(a1 == a2); // True
System.out.println(a2 == a3); // False
System.out.println(a4 == a1); // False
System.out.println(foo == a1); // False


This demonstrates that the == operator checks for reference equality, not content equality. To properly compare the content of String(s), you should use the .equals() method, like so:

System.out.println(a1.equals(a4)); // True
