
Accelerating K-means with …

Lately, I’ve been exploring GPU programming with CUDA by implementing the K-Means clustering algorithm. Below is a overview of my approach and some insights into the CUDA implementation that achieved a +100x speedup 🚀. Note: every time you will read the term speedup in this post, it will be …

Bézier Curves and Patches …

BĂ©zier Curves BĂ©zier curves are a fundamental concept in computer graphics and vector drawing. They are used to describe curves by controlling points called ‘control points’. These curves were introduced by Pierre BĂ©zier in the 1960s as a method of representing curves on computer …

Fork Telemetry

Introduction The aim of this project is to develop a cheaper alternative to the telemetry systems available on the market for mountain bikes. Telemetry systems for mountain bikes monitor and acquire data on the position of the bike’s fork and shock absorber while riding. This data is crucial …