Everybody knows what a CPU looks like on the inside
Well, for those of you that don’t know, here is a picture of it’s insides:

From this picture you can notice something interesting about caches and caches placements. In fact you can see that L1 caches are the closest to the cores and L3 caches are the furthest. This is why L1 are also the fastest and L3 the slowest among the three levels shown in the picture.
I recently found a speed comparison visualiazation between caches by Benj Dicken in this X post, and since i couldn’t find anywhere to play with his visualization, I recreated it here (which is mostly why I am writing this post đ ):
Simulazione in slow motion: 1.0e+9x slower
I think this visualization is beautiful because it lets you grasp why paying awerness to cache while programming let’s you write…well, faster algorithms!
Take a look at the example below to see why knowing your hardware is relevant.
Row-major vs Column-major
Consider a 4x4 matrix stored in memory. While we visualize it as a grid, the physical storage is linear. In C/C++, arrays use row-major order, meaning rows are stored sequentially:

In the image above you can see (top) the logical view of the matrix and (bottom) the physical view of it.
Cache behavior: Row-Major Access
Suppose we are in a Row-major environment and we access the matrix row-first, i.e like this:

Also suppose that we have only one level of cache which has a size of 32 bytes (holds 4 integers) and the cache lines are of size 16 bytes (holds 2 integers), when iterating through the matrix this is how cache behaves:
step | index | cache (before) | cache (after) | cache miss |
1 | A[0][0] | - | [1,2] | miss |
2 | A[0][1] | [1,2] | [1,2] | hit |
3 | A[0][2] | [1,2] | [1,2], [3,4] | miss |
4 | A[0][3] | [1,2], [3,4] | [1,2], [3,4] | hit |
5 | A[1][0] | [1,2], [3,4] | [3,4], [5,6] | miss |
… | … | … | … | … |
16 | A[3][3] | [13,14], [15,16] | [13,14], [15,16] | hit |
You can see that everytime there is a cache miss a cache line (2 integers) is transfered to the cache.
Result: iterating row-first gives us 50% cache miss rate.
Cache behavior: Column-Major Access
Suppose you are in the same environment as above, but this time you iterate through the matrix column-first, i.e like this:

This is the access pattern you get:
step | index | cache (before) | cache (after) | cache miss |
1 | A[0][0] | - | [1,2] | miss |
2 | A[1][0] | [1,2] | [1,2], [5,6] | miss |
3 | A[2][0] | [1,2], [5,6] | [5,6], [9,10] | miss |
4 | A[3][0] | [5,6], [9,10] | [9,10], [13,14] | miss |
5 | A[0][1] | [9,10], [13,14] | [1,2], [3,4] | miss |
… | … | … | … | … |
16 | A[3][3] | [5,6], [9,10] | [9,10], [13,14] | miss |
Notice how this time you are wasting every cache line is brought into cache.
Result: iterating column-first gives us 100% cache miss rate.
Benchmarking Row vs. Column Access
This C program demonstrates the performance difference:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifndef N
#define N 4096
int mat[N][N] = {0};
void iterate() {
int i, j;
for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
mat[i][j] += 1; // Column-major access
void iterate() {
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
mat[i][j] += 1; // Row-major access
int main() {
clock_t start, end;
double time;
start = clock();
end = clock();
time = ((double)(end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Time: %fs\n", time);
return 0;
- For column first compile the code with the
$ gcc -DCOLUMN_FIRST script.c -o columnfirst
$ ./columnfirst
Time: 0.524808s
- For the row first compile the code without any flag
$ gcc script.c -o rowfirst
$ ./rowfirst
Time: 0.178195s
Column-first access is more than double slower.
We can prove that this is due to cache misses using profiling tools like perf stat
- Row-First Performance
$ perf stat -e cache-references,cache-misses,cycles,instructions,branches,faults,migrations ./rowfirst
Time: 0.178195s
Performance counter stats for './rowfirst':
285.676 cache-references
137.135 cache-misses # 48,004 % of all cache refs
285.008.599 cycles
468.998.728 instructions # 1,65 insn per cycle
35.080.708 branches
32.825 faults
1 migrations
0,187476169 seconds time elapsed
0,117382000 seconds user
0,068810000 seconds sys
- Column-First Performance
$ perf stat -e cache-references,cache-misses,cycles,instructions,branches,faults,migrations ./columnfirst
Time: 0.524808s
Performance counter stats for './columnfirst':
17.404.939 cache-references
15.918.948 cache-misses # 91,462 % of all cache refs
838.541.074 cycles
469.594.444 instructions # 0,56 insn per cycle
35.178.138 branches
32.826 faults
2 migrations
0,536358950 seconds time elapsed
0,484255000 seconds user
0,047631000 seconds sys
You can see that in row-first access we get 48,004% cache misses, while in column first 91,462%. Almost double, like seen in the section above.