Design Patterns - …
I made this project as an easy way to access and revise design patterns. There are plenty of resources online about design patterns, so why did i made mine? This is because the resources i found: Do not have the right balance between too verbose and straight to the point explanation. Are not easily …
leetcode solutions
This project is primarily for me. It’s a way to organize my leetcode solutions in a way that’s easily searchable and comparable. Also because I’ve noticed that many resources, especially when it comes to dynamic programming problems, often skip over the naive or memoized solutions, …
Bézier curves and patches …
Bézier Curves Bézier curves are a fundamental concept in computer graphics and vector drawing. They are used to describe curves by controlling points called ‘control points’. These curves were introduced by Pierre Bézier in the 1960s as a method of representing curves on computer …